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Performance Goals
Filtering and reporting on Goals
Filtering and reporting on Goals
Steven avatar
Written by Steven
Updated over a week ago

Filtering Goals

By default, when viewing a list of an employee's goals, you will see a list of All Current goals.

You can filter goals by their progress, defined as:

Complete: A goal is complete if the progress has been updated to 100%.
Incomplete: Incomplete goals are goals where the progress has not reached 100%.

You can also filter goals based on their period. There are three filterable periods: "Past", "Current", and "Upcoming".

Past: The end date is in the past.
Current: The start date is in the past, but the end date is in the future.
Upcoming: The start date is in the future.

Reporting On Goals

In Reports, there is a section for Performance that contains the Employee Goals report. This report can be filtered down to a specific employee, and a date range can be specified to select goals that were active during a specific time period.

Note: When using the date filter, the range must encompass the start and end date of a goal for it to be included.

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