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Offboarding Tasks

A look at how to set up, manage, and take advantage of offboarding tasks during the termination process of an employee.

Steven avatar
Written by Steven
Updated over a week ago

Similar to Onboarding Tasks in the hiring process, Offboarding Tasks is a great way to make sure everything gets completed on time for a departing employee. You can create an offboarding task to use once or you can save it as a reusable task if it's a common item on your to-do list during the termination, such as collecting an access card or hosting a farewell party.

Creating a new task

  1. Navigate to your Employee Termination screen by selecting an employee under Employees and clicking Menu > Terminate on the right-hand side. Scroll down to the bottom to the Offboarding Tasks section. Click on + Add a new offboarding task.

2. This will open a modal dialog where you provide the details for your new task.

  • Task Name is the name that would be used to refer to your new task,

  • Assign to dropdown menu allows you to specify who you want to assign this task to: the Manager of a departing employee (as specified under Job (<link?) tab in the employee's profile), the Employee themselves, or choose a name of another colleague from the list,

  • Due date is when this task should be completed: None, On Termination Date (as specified under the Initiate Termination section earlier on the page), or specify an exact number of days or weeks that the task should be completed after or before the termination date,

  • Description allows you to share more information on this task and could also be used to provide more guidance to a person the task is assigned to on what exactly needs to be done,

  • Checking the box at the end will save this specific task as a preset for later use and will be accessible from the list in the Offboarding Tasks section of the Employee Termination page (the one hiding behind this modal dialog) the next time you terminate someone else.

Lastly, click Save to create your new task and return to the main page. Here is the screenshot of the modal dialog as described above:

3. When you save your task, you will be back at the Offboarding Tasks section of your Employee Termination page with a list of the tasks you've created.

And you are now finished creating the offboarding tasks to help you with the offboarding process of your departing employee. (It's a sad moment to see them leave, but at least the process was simple and organized.)

Editing an existing task

To edit a task you've created, simply hover over a task in the list and click Edit on the right side to open a modal dialog and make the necessary changes. Once done, click Save.

Removing a 'preset' task

Similar to editing a task, hover over a task in the list and click Remove on the right side. A modal dialog will open so you can confirm that you want to permanently delete an offboarding task. Click Delete in the lower right corner to confirm.

That's it! Nothing gets missed (or forgotten on the desk) and you now have time for the goodbye hugs.

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