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Explaining job statuses

What each job status means and how you switch between them.

Steven avatar
Written by Steven
Updated over a week ago

If you go to the Recruiting section, you will see that each job position you have there is colour-coded with a job status. There are four job statuses that you can have on Collage:

  1. Draft,

  2. Published,

  3. Internal,

  4. Closed.

Explaining job statuses


When you start creating a new position and don't complete the process, your progress is automatically saved and your job has a Draft status.

The position is not published on your careers page and is not accessible by anyone externally.


Once you complete the process of creating a job position, it then gains a Published status by default.

The position is visible on your careers page and is accessible by anyone.


For cases when you don't want to publicly show that you are hiring for a position but still want to collect the applications, you can use Internal status.

The position is not visible on your careers page, but is accessible by anyone having a direct link to the position.

Important: If a job posting previously had a Published status and someone still has a direct link to it, they will be able to access the posting even when you change it to Internal since the link of the job posting doesn't change.


When you decided to stop accepting the applications and want to archive the position, you can change the status of a job to Closed.

The position is not published on your careers page and is not accessible by anyone.

Changing the status of your job position

Apart from the Draft state, you can change the status of a job position at any time. To do so, navigate to your Recruiting section, click on a job position you want to update, and on the page that loads you will see a dropdown menu in the top navigation bar to switch between the statuses.

Click on the name of the job status to change it.

The position will be updated right away and, depending on the status you choose, will have a corresponding accessibility and visibility on your careers page.

Note: Hiring collaborators will be able to access any job postings they are a part of no matter the status of the job posting.

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