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Collage Emails: FAQ

Employees not receiving Collage emails? Here are the most frequently asked questions.

Heather avatar
Written by Heather
Updated over a week ago

I requested a password reset, why am I not receiving the email?

When requesting a password reset it is imperative that you enter the email address used as your login email for Collage.  If a different email address is entered than the one that is associated with your Collage account a password reset email will not be generated.  

**Super Admins can access a listing of the login emails on file for each of their employees by going to: Company Settings > Users**

I used to receive time off notifications, training notifications etc. but now they have stopped, how come?   

When Collage emails stop being delivered this is usually the result of the user unsubscribing from Collage notifications.  Each Collage notification includes the option to unsubscribe from future emails.  If a user unsubscribes from Collage emails, all emails from Collage will cease to be delivered.  

If a user has unsubscribed in error please contact the Collage support team to re-subscribe to Collage notification emails.  

I added a new employee, why am I receiving a message that the invite was undeliverable? 

Invitation emails will be returned as undeliverable if an employee is invited to the platform using an email address that is not yet fully active.  If an employee is invited to the platform prior to their email being active please ensure to contact a Collage team member who can assist with re-sending the invite once the employee's email address is active.  

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