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Mass Updates

How to use Collage's Mass Updates feature

Hal avatar
Written by Hal
Updated over a week ago

The Mass Updates feature in Collage allows you to update the pay rates of many employees simultaneously instead of having to update each employee's rate individually. This article will walk you through how to use the feature.

To get started, click on the Mass Updates module near the bottom of the left-hand navigation bar:

Once on the Mass Updates page, an update can be initiated by clicking the blue Make Changes button:

Once you've created a new mass update, you will

  1. Select an effective date for the change. This effective date will apply for all employees you add to the mass update.

  2. Add notes to the change. This can be used to specify the reason for the change, and will appear in each employee's job record.

  3. Select employees to be added to the change. You can add all employees, add employees by location or department, or add individual employees.

Once you've added employees, you'll be able to go down the list of employees and add their new pay rates:

Once you've finished adding the new pay rates, clicking the Publish button will bring up a confirmation that you want to update employment information for all employees:

After clicking Publish, you'll be taken back to the Mass Updates page, and you'll see your recent update appear with a status of Running. When the update is done, refreshing the page or navigating back to it from another page will show you the completed status:

If there are any errors in the update, you can view the errors by clicking in the row for that mass update, then filtering to the updates with errors using the button in the top right:

The reason for the error will be displayed in the Error Message column. If an error occurs you can update the employee's information individually by going to their page after correcting the error:

And you're done!

If you have any questions about the feature after reading this article, our support team would be happy to answer them. Please use the chat button in the bottom right of your screen to contact our support team.

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